What Company Is Offering:
AnnualLeave.com is all about tracking your employee’s leaves . The employee checks the calendar and plans their time off in relation to everyone else. The calendar is visible to everyone in the organisation regardless of where they are.
How It Works:
The employee submits a request for annual leave by simply clicking and dragging the days requested. The system checks the essential business rules first:a. Does the employee have enough days remaining?
b. Has the employee given enough notice?c. Is there a minimum or maximum duration for this type of absence?d. Would this absence leave the department or location with too few people at any given time?e. If the request breaks any of the rules, it is automatically rejected and the employee is notified. An email is sent to the person/people who approve the employee’s annual leave (each employee can have one or more approvers, or can simply approve their own). The approver(s) view the request in the calendar and can approve or reject it, with notes if necessary. If any of the approvers reject a request, it is rejected overall and the employee is emailed automatically.Once approved, the request is marked as “Confirmed” in the calendar.The employee receives an email notification of the request’s approval.
More at:http://www.annualleave.com/